Caterpillars Program

Ages 1 ¾-3.


0 for a 5-class pass.

drop in.

Caterpillar playgroup is held on Monday through Friday

 Caterpillars focuses on developmentally appropriate play and activities. This is a time of great transition for young children as they begin to determine their own interests and discover their strengths. We nurture this independence by allowing for free play but also gently guiding children to explore new activities. For those potty training, we are fully supportive of the process by structuring time for that and offering additional encouragement.

Sample Schedule
9:00-9:15– drop off
9:15- 9:45– Free Play/Centers
9:45-10:00– Potty Time /Diaper Change & Hand-washing
10:00-10:20-Circle Time
10:20-10:45 -Music class
10:45-11:20 -Snack Time
11:20-11:50 -Nature Walk/Playgroup
11:50-12:00 -Potty/Diaper Change & Hand-washing
12:00– Pick Up

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